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Improve Your Local SEO Ranking

Improve Your Local SEO Ranking

New Proximity Discovery Widget – Five Controllable Factors That You Need to Improve Your Local SEO Ranking

Are you looking for the quickest and easiest way to improve your local SEO Ranking? Have you tried out all the local search engine optimization tactics to no avail? Well, don’t fret. Here are some tried and tested local SEO Ranking strategies that you can implement today to improve your website’s rankings in Google and other major search engines.

First up, consider a local seo ranking strategy that focuses on location-based queries. This is because Google’s very own geocoding technology now allows websites to target their services and products based on a user’s proximity. So, for example, if you are selling a dog shampoo in Toronto, it will be more beneficial for you to optimize your web pages in Toronto and its nearby locations, rather than optimizing the pages for any arbitrary location in the rest of the world. This helps you get maximum exposure for your keywords, which ultimately improves your rankings. Also, do keep in mind that Google’s new geocoding technology will allow users to type in only their city of interest, so make sure you include that as part of your web pages’ geo targeting.

The second thing you can do to boost your site’s rankings in Google and other major search engines is to properly optimize your internal linking structure. That means that you have to work on adding as many links from related high authority sites as possible, in order to get more local search engine traffic. Here are the five controllable factors that you should focus on when it comes to link building:

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Number Four: Make sure that you are using the correct digital marketing platform for your Texas Roadhouse business. Google, for example, has established its own in-house digital marketing platform called Local Social Media. To optimize your Texas Roadhouse site for this digital marketing tool, you have to ensure that you are optimizing your website using the CMS that is being used by your Google account. If you want to know how to improve your local seo ranking, this is one of the most important factors you need to factor in.

Number Three: Use the proper geo-targeting approach. In order for you to know how to improve your local seo ranking, you need to be able to get as much exposure as possible to your business keywords. The best way to achieve this is through using the correct geo-targeting strategy. This means that you have to determine whether you want your Texas Roadhouse business to show up for a specific keyword in organic results, or whether you want it to show up for a certain geographic area in Google Local.

Number Two: Get rid of any outdated or useless information on your website. This is one of the most important factor you have to consider when you are trying to optimize your website for organic search results. Do not forget to remove duplicate content. Make sure that your website is complete with all the important and necessary details. You can do this by using the new proximity search optimization dashboard that Google released recently.

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Number One: You have to make sure that you use the appropriate Meta tags and keywords. Many people who are new to this understand the importance of the right keywords in local search engine optimization and choose the wrong ones. The new proximity search dashboard from Google that was recently introduced actually uses the right keywords for a given geo-targeting strategy. However, you have to make sure that you choose the right ones because this is a very important factor in getting exposure. This means that having too many variations of your keywords can actually harm your chances at improving your local SEO ranking.

Number Two: When it comes to local SEO, there are actually five major components that should be considered: local search engine optimization (SEO), social media connections, content distribution, analytics and the last but not least, the integration of your website with the main gateway service. Of these, the content distribution is the most important because it offers the chance to reach as many potential clients as possible. On the other hand, social media connections is also a vital aspect of this. But if you want to improve your local SEO ranking, you have to make sure that you get the best value for your money. In this case, the new proximity discovery widget from Google that was recently introduced actually proves to be useful for any business owner. By offering businesses instant visibility on Google maps, it gives them an advantage over their competitors.

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