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What’s marketing with a cause?

The marketing with a cause is a way to commercialize, were a company and a nonprofit organization partner to solve a social or environmental problem. Providing commercial value to the company at the same time.

In general, in marketing campaigns related to the cause, a brand is affiliated with a cause and a part of the sales income of the brand is donated to said cause.

The marketing with a cause is becoming a key way for corporations to show their philanthropic side. The marketing with a cause implies cooperative efforts. The efforts of a non-profit organization and the brand to offer mutual benefits.

Don’t forget that 95% of the purchase decisions come from the emotional side.

Benefits of marketing with a cause

Any of these benefits could easily justify a donation per sale. But together, is hard to believe there are still people responsible for intelligent marketing who still aren’t taking advantage of the benefits offered by the marketing with a cause strategy. 

1.- It can help your business sales in the long run

When used correctly, marketing with a cause creates benefits. It could make people get more of your products. By simply saying that by getting your products or services they will be helping a cause, has a profound effect on the buyer’s psychology.

When it’s a good cause, the purchase decision becomes a mix of price, quality, and necessity. And this is a good thing for your business and for the world.

Offering this additional social benefit could strongly influence the buyer’s decisions. Such as what product to get or even the quantity. This happens when a competitive product supports a cause and the other not.

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2.- Marketing with a cause could get you new clients

When it’s time to choose between two products from the competitor, the way you sell it could make the difference for the buyers. Not only you’ll be getting their hearts. But also the minds of indecisive buyers. And this could lead your competitor’s clients to change to your brand. And will also help you create a solid community. 

As a matter of fact, nine out of ten buyers from the United States said, when price and quality are the same, they usually choose the brand supporting a just cause.

3.- Marketing with a cause could generate loyalty and trust

Want to keep the clients you already have? Then you need a reflective strategy. And make sure you are cultivating loyalty and trust. Constant quality and good service is a good start. But no brand strategy will have the same impact as backing a good cause.

Creating a positive impact among your clients might strengthen the image of your business. But if you do it right, you can get one of the greatest benefits of marketing with a cause. Loyalty, the trust if your clients and also their retention. 

4.- Marketing with a cause can satisfy the growing expectations of the clients

It’s true that there have been many changes throughout history regarding this. But the Millennials are the protagonists of this social responsibility movement at a new level. In the year 2017, Millennials had more purchasing power than any previous generation. That’s why it’s smart that your company always strives to become more attractive. You should focus on this social conscious demographic group.

But, the millennials aren’t the only ones. As a matter of fact, many of the global buyers believe that brands should balance their social and commercial interests.

Examples of marketing with a cause

If you are interested in learning more about marketing with a cause, these are some examples of successful associations. Between nonprofit organizations and brands.

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1.- Red Kettle and DipJar Campaign

The South Territory of the Salvation Army partnered with Dipjar and the local retailers, to improve the traditional Red Kettle marketing with a cause campaign.

Surely by now, you know that the Red Kettle Salvation Army campaign happens during holidays. In general, these red kettles or buckets are left outside big stores. And outside other stores to receive donations.

This strategy has been very successful for many years. But the Salvation Army realized that they were losing a great deal of potential donors who carried no cash with them.

To improve their Red Kettle campaign, they partnered with the Dipjar kiosks company. So, they could start receiving credit card donations.

The Dipjars started appearing nearby coffee shops and retail stores. This campaign provided donors with a quick and easy solution. And along with it, many sales.

2.- Red Nose Day and Walgreens

This marketing with a cause campaign and its iconic cause happened in the UK. And now is coming to the USA.

Last year, this campaign collected $18 million dollars through the sale of more than 12 million red noses in Walgreens stores.

The six-week campaign starts when the clients purchase the red noses from Walgreens. And they use them for group pictures and other Day of the Red Nose fundraisings to spread awareness.

The earnings from this red nose campaigns and additional fundraising events organized by companies and other associations during the campaign will go to kids in a state of extreme poverty in the United States.

3.- Patagonia

For Black Friday, Patagonia announced that they will give 100% of their sales to help organizations working to protect our environment.

To help protect the planet, clients only have to buy anything from any of the Patagonia stores on Black Friday. With the help of their loyal clients and new clients, they managed to collect $10 million from sales. 

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Even if Patagonia never shared the names of receiving organizations, they sent the money to many nonprofit organizations that work with a limited budget. The $10 million-dollar contribution will be used to greatly help the planet.

Donating to this cause requires no extra commitment. The donors only have to buy something from Patagonia on Black Friday to show their support. And considering that all the money is used for a good cause, it’s quite likely many people will get something from there just to help these environmental organizations.

4.- Warby Parker and VisionSpring

Warby Parker is partnered with many medical and health-related organizations, including VisionSpring.

Warby Parker uses the “Buy a pair, donate a pair” model to promote their philanthropic side. The model is quite simple. For every pair of glasses, they sell, they will donate another pair to their nonprofit partners. 

Besides the donation, their nonprofit partners, train men and women in developing countries to do basic eye examination and also to sell the glasses at a very affordable price. Providing an affordable solution to many people with sight problems.

The “Buy a pair, donate a pair” campaign is so successful due to their marketing and capacity to retain the donor’s attention to spread awareness. The Warby Parker Website explains the marketing with a cause strategy and tells the stories of the benefactors.

5.- JetBlue and FirstBook

The Soar with Reading campaign is an association between JetBlue and the nonprofit organization, FirstBook.

The Soar with Reading program was designed to inspire and foment kid’s imagination. JetBlue donates money to FirstBook to help promote children’s books in low-income zones. Some of these books are even distributed through vending machines offering free books.

Besides, the Soar with Reading program helps provide educators and students with diverse books to promote learning.

The Soar with Reading campaign is successful because the whole campaign is involved and supporting their nonprofit organization partner, JetBlue. The JetBlue employees can be volunteers in the Soar with Reading program and change the lives of many children.

The benefits provided by marketing with a cause will help you build a solid community for your brand. Protect your reputation and strengthen your business’ image, while also improving your income while helping society.

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