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Does your company belong to the tourism sector? Use Google Travel to promote it

Does your company belong to the tourism sector? Use Google Travel to promote it. Marketing offers a wide variety of tools so that companies in any sector can have a presence on the web. Likewise, there are many other options that you can turn to if you make your life specifically in the tourism sector, such as Google Travel.

Although it is true, thanks to the progress provided by technology, a large number of online platforms based on tourist services can be found. That is why Google cannot be left behind and has launched a tool known as Google Travel. 

So, if your company belongs to the tourist area, this option can be of great help so that you can carry out an efficient promotion of both your brand and your services. But before using this innovative tool, it is good that you know a little more about it and what its benefits are. 

What is Google Travel?

Google Travel is a travel tool that can be used from anywhere in the world.

That is why you should make use of it in your company so that your customers can have access to your best flight services.

For users who want to travel, it is important to find outbound and return flights that meet their expectations.

Your company can be chosen by this means.

How does Google Travel work?

The operation of Google Travel has nothing to envy to other online platforms dedicated to tourism. This is because their objectives are very clear and becoming number 1 is their goal. Of course, this tool is exclusive to promote companies dedicated to tourism. 

What are the valid options for Google Travel? As we have already told you at the beginning, all companies in any sector can make use of digital marketing strategies. For this reason, if you already have a marketing plan for your tourism company, you must add the Google Travel tool. Similarly, this tool can be used for large tourism companies, travel agencies, 5-star hotels and small hostels.

The idea is that your company can perform better to achieve adequate visibility in your sector. And for that, you need to start using Google’s algorithm to make worthwhile promotions.

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When you have a business dedicated to tourism, first of all, you must think about what your customers want. This way, you will be able to provide the correct information to your prospects and future clients .

What should not be missing in the information provided by your tourism company? 

  • Special offers in hostels or hotels that attract the customer’s attention. 
  • News related to the tourism sector.
  • Direct contact with the different travel agencies.
  • Airline tickets for both national and international flights. 
  • Variety of payment options where the client can have direct contact with the hotelier to avoid intermediaries. 

As long as you include this type of information in your company, you will observe how your performance increases considerably.

Followed by this, now that you know what the functionality of this wonderful tool is, the time has come to know its advantages.

Advantages of using the Google Travel tool

Believe it or not, there are many benefits that you can enjoy using this tool for your business. For this reason, you cannot forget to include the Google Travel tool in your digital marketing plan . Consequently, these are some of the advantages that you will get through the use of Google Travel:

  • It offers the possibility to compare the different prices of pensions, travel agencies, hostels and hotels. 
  • This tool is of great help to plan a trip just by using Google’s algorithm. 
  • It is in charge of making the best recommendations to choose the most suitable travel times.
  • The registration process for companies is usually quick, because there are very simple steps to follow. 
  • A compilation can be made of all the information that must be provided to clients regarding covid-19.

Promoting your company through this tool is super easy

How to promote your company through this tool?

There is no doubt that Google is a great way to promote your tourism business.

However, it is important that you follow a few steps to be able to configure your Google Travel ad.

Also, this process will only take a few minutes of your time and can be done from anywhere you are.

Therefore, to promote your company through Google Travel, you must follow the following steps:

Start positioning your brand using Google Ads

When it comes to digital advertising platforms, Google Ads is positioned as one of the best. For this reason, Google provides a section where you can enhance your business listing in Google Travel through this tool. 

The reality is that Google Ads is an excellent option for you to boost your business dedicated to tourism. This is because it gives you the opportunity to create search campaigns so that you can position your Google Travel listing in an easier way. Likewise, you can also carry out the promotion of Hotel ads campaigns.

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Do you know about SEM strategies? These are strategies where the main objective is to position yourself in the first places to achieve greater success. To guarantee this achievement, it is essential to know what customers are looking for to offer the best service, and of course, the idea is also to offer the best price on the market. 

There are many benefits that you can obtain for your tourism business by using Google Ads. Therefore, if you want user conversion for better sales flow. 

Carry out your company identification 

If you have a tourism company, a travel agency or a hotel, to start your promotion you must register with Google Hotel Center.

Likewise, to register, you must enter the Google Ads platform and meet several requirements so that your Google Hotel Center account is fully operational.

This tool has several functionalities, and if you want to carry out a faster registration process, you can verify your company through Google My Business. Once you have a verified account on this platform, you will only have to log in to manage the rates or other services.

Regardless of which option you choose, the most important thing is that you have your Google Travel listing ready and up-to-date.

Adjust your rates to attract a greater number of customers 

When you have your Google Travel listing ready, you should adjust the rates so that they are tentative for customers. The idea is that the rates can be visible in Google search engines. Likewise, if your objective is to attract a greater number of clients, you must make this adjustment directly in Google Travel to achieve the success that other companies in the tourism sector have already obtained by making use of this tool. 

The confinement that occurred during 2020 due to the pandemic, caused the sales of tourism companies to drop significantly. However, with the current flexibility in the tourism sector, Google Travel has become the best tool for companies to obtain a better rate of visits. 

Likewise, Google Travel has been the site where a greater number of promotions and offers from companies that are directly engaged in tourism have been seen. 

Do you want to boost your tourism business?

There will be nothing better than using the Google Travel tool

We have already explained what the functionality of this tool is, and the advantages that your brand dedicated to the tourism sector can obtain when using it. For this reason, we want to provide you with very useful tips to get the most out of this platform: 

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Use SEO strategies to boost your listing 

The SEO is essential for all websites because it is the only option to grow organically over the Internet. Also, this tool allows your company to appear in the first search results. That is why your file must have the following elements: 

  • Good writing.
  • Include eye-catching images.
  • Ease of understanding. 

Do you want to capture the attention of customers? Follow this list of actions to have a listing on Google Travel and stand out from other brands. 

Take into account favorable algorithms 

If there’s one thing you should know, it’s that you can handle Google’s algorithm to your advantage, and it’s a worrying factor for metasearch engines like Expedia. For this reason, you can make adjustments to your marketing plan for better benefits. 

What should you do? First of all, you must make use of strategic keywords to achieve a better positioning in the results . Also, you must position your images within the Google images platform. Similarly, it is essential that you implement other actions to achieve your objectives as a tourism company.

The options to take advantage of the algorithms are limitless so that you can rank correctly in the most used search engine in the world. In fact, Google covers more than 65% of web traffic and in order to position your account effectively you must use search algorithms. 

The more information you include, the better 

When users search for information on a specific product or service, they carry out various actions and this process is known as “ZMOT”. So a potential client looking for tourist information is because their primary interest is traveling. 

For this reason, if you want that user to become a final customer, you must provide them with all the necessary information to make their decision.

Your goal as a tourism brand owner should be to grab the audience’s attention.

For example, in these times of pandemic for people it is important to find clear and concise information in any sector. For this reason, your Google Travel file must be complete in terms of information to attract potential customers and maintain interest in current customers.

Mix between display and search campaigns 

There are many companies in the tourism sector that use Display and search campaigns together with their Google Travel listing.

This action not only makes your listing appear on other websites, but also gives you a greater chance of increasing your conversions.

The Google Ads tool provides you with many opportunities for you to promote your tourism business on the web.

That is why making a presence on Google will be a good option to strengthen your brand’s presence on the Internet.

Latest Google Travel Advances

There is no doubt that the year 2020 was one of many advantages for the sectors that are dedicated to the economy.

For this reason, at the beginning of this year Google made an announcement in which it announced that companies in the tourism sector can do the positioning of reform links in exchange for no money. That is, this process will be free on the travel platform. 

Likewise, users who make use of Google Travel will have access to a greater number of offers made up of different alternatives to make reservations or travel.

Consequently, advertisers can have more impact on their campaigns to stand out from other companies in the same industry.


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